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UK should use shale gas to cut emissions, report says

"It would be risky to assume gas prices will be low in the future, said the report from the Grantham Institute"


Windfarm sickness spreads by word of mouth, Australian study finds

"Health complaints from people living around turbines shown to be psychological effect of anti-wind lobby making people worry"

Category: Energy sources


Shell barred from returning to drill for oil in Arctic without overhaul

"Review finds company had failed to plan for short drilling season and its equipment did not stand up to harsh conditions"


Environmental threats could push billions into extreme poverty, warns UN

"UN's 2013 human development report urges action on climate change, deforestation and pollution before it is too late"


Fracking company Cuadrilla halts operations at Lancashire drilling site

"News comes as it is revealed that Cuadrilla's 'performance as a licensee' has previously been criticised by ministers"

Displaying results 56 to 60 out of 2977